I added this page, because my first journal was getting way too cluttered. So welcome to Part 2 Of
My Journal!
Wednesday February 16th,2005
Hey, Guys! Well it's official: NHL Season 2004-2005 has been cancelled. This is depressing
as hell! They were sooooo close, as the NHLPA FINALLY agreed to a salary cap! I was kind of optimistic when that happened,
but they couldn't agree on a number for it! Figures, bunch of morons!!!!!!!! I've missed the leafs big time, not that those
two sides give one crap! Some believe that a deal could still technically get done to save the season, even though it's cancelled,
but it's VERY unlikely, in my opinion! This could ruin the National Hockey League as we know it. Look what happened to the
MLB! Thanks a lot Bob and Gary! As depressed as I am right now, thank God for the Owen Sound Attack! Plus we've got the
World Hockey Championships coming up in the Spring, which should be good! Also, I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward
to seeing the jays play right now! Not much longer to go before baseball starts! I've got the NHL 2004 XBOX game to satisfy
my NHL cravings a little bit, and I may even start a fantasy season with it(no way am I buying NHL 2005, in fact I won't buy
another NHL XBOX game until the greedy NHL players resume play(if that EVER happens!) Okay on to better things now.
My parents and I went down to Oakville a couple of weeks ago to visit my sister and the kids. It was a nice visit! The 2 are
as cute as always! :-) On Saturday night my parents and I went to church as usual and then went to a ham supper in the parish
centre, and it was yummy! :-) We're going to see the Owen Sound Attack vs. The Mississauga Ice Dogs on January 26th, and I
must say I can't wait!!!!!! GO ATTACK GO!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, and on Sunday we're going to an NHL Old Timers Game(Retired NHL
Players). That should be fun, as it was last year and other years as well. Okay, I'm going to get offline now, so I'll see
you all later!
R.I.P. NHL 2004-2005 Season. Thanks for all the memories, leafs. I miss you all terribly!
Hurry Back!
Goodnight All,
Monday February 21st, 2005
Hi guys, what's up? How was your weekend? Mine was sure a rollercoaster of emotions so to
speak! First of all on Friday night, I find out that the NHL might be coming back for a shortened season! So I got all excited,
since I was hearing that a deal in principle had been reached between the NHL and NHLPA. Since I had been deprived of Leafs
Hockey for MONTHS, I was just thrilled to be getting it back! I thought that they were going to uncancel the 2004-2005 season.
But it was not to be. On Saturday I heard about a press conference being held by the NHL and PA, then the next thing I hear
is "press conference cancelled". THEN I hear that no progress had been made between the two sides. What morons! WHY do they
keep leading us fans, down the garden path all the time! They did it AGAIN! I'm getting fed up with it! Now the focus will
be on getting a deal done for the 2005-2006 season. No NHL til September at the earliest. UGH, I can't stand Bettman, Goodenow,
and all the rest of them! They all make me wanna puke! Anyway, enough of that. Let's move on, shall we? My parents and
I attended an NHL Old Timers Alumni game. It was NHL Alumni vs. our Owen Sound Police Services Officers. It was fun, but the
atmosphere was kind of sad, due to the stupid lockout. Not bad though, just the same! The guy selling NHL Alumni stuff said
this comment "I'm selling Bettman and Goodenow blow up dolls that you can shoot", or something like that. Can't remember his
exact words. It was hilarious, LOL!!!!!!!!!! Those would be sold out in like two minutes, LMAO! Anyway, tonight my parents,
Aunt Carrie, and I went to see a movie. It was called Hitch, and wow was it ever funny! Go see it, it's cute!!!!!!! I'm looking
forward to going to see the Attack vs. Ice Dogs on Saturday! Not much longer now! Well, I'll see ya all later! Bye for now!
Peace Out!
Wednesday March 2nd, 2005
Well hello, everybody! What's new with you all? My sister Connie and my neices Madyson and
Samantha came up to our house from Oakville on Friday and stayed til Sunday! Awwww, the two girls are the cutest things, man!
:-) By the way my sis and her husband sold their house! Yep, that's right, they'll be moving to a house in Kitchener. Anyway,
on Saturday I hung out with my friend at the mall, and then came home and played with Maddy for a bit, then my parents, sister,
neices and I went to Church, and then to dinner at Harvey's/Swiss Chalet. YUMMY! Then after dinner my sis and neices went
to our cousins' house, and my parents and I went to the attack vs. icedogs game, which was a final score of 3-3. I was disappointed
that the attack couldn't have held on and won, but oh well, a tie is better than a loss! My parents got tickets today for
us to go to another attack game! That's right, it's going to be Owen Sound Attack vs. Windsor Spitfires on March 12th. We've
gone to a lot of attack games, this year, wow! As much as I'm lovin' the attack though, I still miss the NHL of course! They've
gotta get a deal done man! I just hope that it doesn't come down to replacement players! I want the REAL leafs back! Anyhow,
moving on....... My dad and I now have jays tickets to go and see the jays vs. yankees on August 5th. I'm looking forward
to that! It'll be nice to see some baseball again. Hopefully the jays will be a great team this year, although it'll be as hard
as always with the yanks and red sox in the same division. Anyway, the last 3 days, I've just been relaxing, basically. Tonight
I watched Team Canada: Reflections Of Gold, All 4 Episodes of the Team Canada Women's and Men's Olympic hockey teams
winning the gold medals in 2002 :-) Great stuff, huh? :-) Well, I'll see you guys later. Peace Out!
Luv Shannon.
Sunday March 27th, 2005.
Hey guys, HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!! I hope that it was good to you all! We had our Easter dinner
last night. My sister Bonnie came up on Thursday and went home this afternoon. My sister Connie and neices came up on Friday
and stayed til this morning. My neices are such cuties, awwwww! :-) By the way that Attack vs. Spitfires game that I
attended had a GREAT finish! The attack beat Windsor in overtime 2-1! YAAAAY!!!!!!!!! And more importantly, the OHL playoffs
have started, the attack are playing the Plymouth Whalers, and the attack won game 1 on Friday 1-0 in Owen Sound and game
2 last night 6-1 in Plymouth, putting them ahead 2-0 in the series! WOW! WAY TO GO ATTACK! :-) Fun,fun,fun! The Jays
are having a great spring training. Hopefully that will carry over into the regular season, you never know! During the March
Break, on March 15th my parents and I went down to Toronto to visit my grandmother, and stayed in the usual hotel. I got to
have two swims, which was nice :-) And thank god, this time, we had a smoke free room, so we could breathe! Anyway, everything
is going fine for me. I hope that the rest of you guys are doing well! Later!
Sunday June 26th, 2005.
Oh my god you guys, I am sooooo sorry that I haven't updated this journal since March! I
guess I was lazy or something. Or maybe I was tired of writing almost the same stuff all the time. In any case, not too much
has happened since March. Not really. Well my sister,hubby and kids moved into a new house in Kitchener, and my mom was
down in Oakville where they used to live for almost 3 weeks in March, pretty much most of the month. She was helping to
take care of baby Samantha, while my sister was at work. As for Madyson, she was either at preschool or at the babysitter's,
I think. Anyway, tonight I went to see a movie with my parents and aunt. It was called The Perfect Man. It was better than
I thought it would be. Actually it was kind of cute. Don't listen to some of the bad reviews that are out there about it.
It's a good clean, fun movie. I had a free admission pass to it, and also a free popcorn pass. Only thing I had to buy was
a drink, a bottle of coke. Anyway, I am rambling on and on. I'm really excited too, by the prospect of NHL hockey next season.
Yep, that's right, the two sides are getting closer to a deal! So it'll be GO LEAFS GO, for 2005-2006! As for the jays, they
are in and out right now. They won today, beating the nationals, 9-5, crazy game. Oh guess what? I have Rogers Digital Television
now. Actually, my dad does. It's on his television. But I got to watch the jays game today on the Rogers Ontario channel,
that I wouldn't have had, if it weren't for that digital tv! I also have leafs tv. THAT is the best! I can watch all the leafs' preseason
games! Pretty damn cool! What else happened to me this weekend, besides going to see that movie? Not too much, really. I bought
a dvd and music cd at the mall: Hostage and the backstreet boys new cd: Never Gone. Pretty good CD. Love the song "My Beautiful
Woman". All in all not a bad weekend. How have you guys been doing? Feel free to join my new messageboards by the way: Soap
Couples: Past Present and Future(if you're a fan of soap operas), My original board:Shannon's Board, and my polls and games
forum. Anyway, can't really think of anything else to write, so hope you guys are all doing well. Later.
Luv Shannon.
Friday July 22nd, 2005
Hi everybody, just got back from The Trent River, where I was visiting my aunt and uncle.
My parents and I went down there on Tuesday, and stayed til Thursday. Lots of fun, except for not much access to my computer,
lol. Anyway, I did lots of swimming in their swimming pool, and went for a long boat ride on their boat. THAT was amazing!
We even packed a picnic lunch. On Thursday, we left Trenton, and stayed overnight in Toronto. Then we came home today. It
was a fun trip, but as they say, there's no place like home! It's great to be back! :-) I'm sooooo happy that the NHL and
the PA ratified their new CBA deal! The NHL is back and I couldn't be happier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see some leafs
hockey again! GO LEAFS GOOOO!!!!!!!! For now though, I've got the jays to tide me over, and I'm going to see jays vs. yankees
on August 5th! GO JAYS GOOOO!!!!!!!! Okay, later!
Luv, Shannon.
Wednesday August 10th, 2005
WOOOOO, WAY TO GO ORLANDO HUDSON!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm kind of on a high right now, the jays
just beat the Detroit Tigers 4-3, with a homerun by Hudson in the bottom of the 9th! GOOOO JAYS!!!!!! Okay, anyway, what are
you all up to tonight? What a day I've had, lol. My parents, my mom's cousin Iris(she's visiting us from Toronto til Friday),and
I went to Meaford today. First of all we went to the graveyard. Then we went shopping at the Flea Market. Then it was off
to Dairy Queen for lunch. So we were ordering our food and guess what? After we'd ordered, the power went off! OMG, right
after we got our food! Of course all their machines shut down! We were soooooo lucky man, because we were the last people
to get our food before that happened! A few minutes later, and we wouldn't have been eating lunch there! People after us were
disappointed. To think those people could have been us! Well luck was on our side today obviously,lol! I couldn't get the
blueberry sundae I usually order cause the machine they use for it was down obviously, but it was okay, cause I tried
something new, a dilly bar-chocolate. It was really good, yum! Anyway after lunch, we went and walked down by the beach. Lots
of seagulls of course! Anyway, enough about today. On August 4th my parents and I went down to Toronto, and my dad and I went
to the jays vs. skankees game on Friday August 5th. My dad and I were sitting in the skankee cheering section, it was hell
on wheels lol. But I made sure I was VERY loud yelling "LET'S GO BLUE JAYS", over their skankee chants, and I even bought
a new jays flag and was waving it around big time(my dad waved around the old one). The jays lost 6-2 and were very flat
and disappointing that night, but I still had fun at the game anyway for the most part. My grandma's 88th birthday was
on Saturday August 6th, so we took her out for lunch with my aunt and uncle. I went swimming a lot in the hotel
pool in Toronto. We came home last Sunday and brought my mom's cousin with us, and that's how she got here, lol.
Anyway everything is cool. I can't wait for NHL Hockey again! Preseason starts in September and I get to watch those
leafs games on Leafs TV, YAAAAY!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I'll cya all later. Take care and thanks for reading all that garbage, lol.
Peace Out!
Luv Shannon.
Tuesday August 16th, 2005
Hi everybody! I hope that you all had a good weekend. On Friday, my parents and I dropped
my mom's cousin Iris off in Toronto and she caught a bus home, so the three of us then had lunch and looked around the
Yorkdale Shopping Centre. Then we went to Kitchener to see my sister, brother in law, and my neices. My
parents and I minded them for John and Connie while they went to a wedding on Saturday. On Sunday we went to church
and then headed home. Last night my mom and I went bike riding for the first time in a while. It was fun but kind of
tiring, lol. Then I watched the blue jays vs. angels game at 10:00 PM. God it was a LONG one! Went on til about 1:55
AM, and I watched every minute of it too, only to see the jays lose 5-4 in extra innings, GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! Oh well, at
least it didn't go on until 3 in the morning, thank god for THAT, anyway! Anyway, we had our Digital Cable channels taken
away from us, because all they were was a free preview, but it's okay, because we've ordered some again, and my
mom is going to get the digital cable on her tv too, so my dad and her will both have it, so it's all good!
My mom and I are going to be watching my widescreen Phantom of the Opera dvd. Great movie! Well, I'll cya all later!
Peace Out!
Sunday September 11th, 2005.
Hey all, I just wanted to write in here and say that my prayers go out to all those
who lost their lives in the September 11th attacks exactly 4 years ago today. If any of you lost anybody in those attacks
I am so sorry, and if you'd like to talk about it, feel free to email me and/or add me to msn, icqm yahoo messenger, or aol and
talk to me about it. If any Americans are reading this, I'd just like to say that as a Canadian I will never forget. And my
prayers also go out to all the victims of Hurricane Katrina and their families. God Bless you all!
Luv Shannon.
Tuesday October 11th, 2005
Hi all! OMG, I haven't updated this journal for a month. Sorry, I guess I've been lazy, and
I've also been trying to keep up with 3 messageboards of my own and have been posting on lots of others too, so I haven't
been working on my website as much as I should. Anyway, happy belated Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians. I wish I had
of written in here yesterday and said my wishes then, but it totally slipped my mind, because I went to an attack game yesterday
afternoon, attack vs. icedogs. The attack kicked their asses 5-1, way to go boys, that was a fun game. Unfortunately
the leafs lost to the senatards 6-5 in a shootout! I HATE SHOOTOUTS, they are the WORST friggin' things! The leafs play the
flyers tonight, another game I'm worried about. They NEED a win for their sake(and us leaf fans), and to shut up those
bloody trolls that flame the messageboards! Anyway, changing the subject, I hope that all my fellow Canadians had a great
Thanksgiving. My sisters, brother in law and neices came up on Friday and stayed til yesterday. It was nice to see them all
again. Anyway, at the moment I'm doing laundry, relaxing on the internet, and watching soap operas, so I gotta go now. Cya
all later! Peace Out!
Luv Shannon.
Monday October 31st, 2005.
BOOOOO!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN TO YOU ALL!!!!!!! Hope you're all having a great and spooky
halloween filled with ghosts, goblins, witches, vampires and the like. LOL, anyway how are you all doing and any plans for
tonight? I myself will be giving out candies and chips to the kiddies and probably a few teens as well, lol. And I also will
be watching the leafs/panthers game. Do not even mention Saturday's game vs. the sens, it's one I'd like to forget. And sens
fans don't bother bragging about it in my guestbook either, because your entry will be removed if you do. Either that, or
I will change your entry around to make it look like you're a leafs fan, so I suggest you don't mess around. Anyway, now that
that's taken care of, let's move on. Not last Thursday but the Thursday before it, there was a minor earthquake here in Owen
Sound. Nope, I am not shittin' you, I swear! Our house shook, it was seriously startling. My mom and I were like "what the
HELL?!?!!?". It wasn't a serious one or anything, but still it was quite the thing. Totally unexpected. Definitely something
I'll always remember, that's for sure! Anyhow, today I met my friend Carolyn who now lives in Kitchener and is up til about
tomorrow, at the mall. We shopped and had lunch together, it was fun. Well, it was nice writing to you all again, later, and
hope your halloween is great!
Wednesday November 16th,2005.
Well everybody, today is my 23rd birthday! Yes, I'm that old, lol, can't believe it. I went
out for dinner tonight to pizza hut(had some pizza, caesar salad, and a blue light beer.) As for presents well I got a card
from my parents and a card from my sis(also a scratch and win card from her, but didn't win any money, oh well I'm unlucky,
lol, also got a book called Toronto Maple Leafs' 50 Unforgettable Moments In History, a leafs 2006 calendar, and also a shirt
from Riteman's. Yes, it was a leaf birthday, lol, GO LEAFS GOOOOO!!!!!! Anyway, hope you're all enjoying your lives, peace
Sunday December 4th, 2005.
Hey everybody! I hope that all of you had a good weekend. Mine was pretty busy. My parents
and I went to Kitchener to visit my sister, brother in law and neices. Maddy and Sammie were adorable as always of course!
:-) We went to Church this morning and then came home to Owen Sound, got back just
a bit before 2 PM. The leafs lost to the San Jose Sharks last night 5-4, damn, but the attack beat the majors in
ot, 6-5 which was nice! The game wasn't televised or on the local oldies radio station, but I listened
to it on the majors website. Good Game! The leafs game was disappointing, but they'll get back on track! Well I'll see you
all later, peace out!
Sunday December 25th, 2005.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! I hope that you all got what you asked for and then some!
I got: Leafs Dice for the car, a Leafs Night Light,a Red Team Canada tshirt, a
Purse, a Sweater with a scarf, Earrings, a watch and a Botanics Collection of body wash, body balm and body scrub from
my sister Bonnie, a More True Canadian Ghost Stories book, Chocolates,Shower Cream and Body Mist that I got from my brother
and his fiance on Friday(they came up on Thursday and stayed til yesterday.) And I still have to get a gift from my sister
Connie in Kitchener which will be tomorrow! So all in all it's been a pretty good Christmas! Last night my parents and I went
to Mass and while we were at Mass, Bonnie ordered us 2 boxes of pizza and some crazy bread. Yummy! And then we watched Trading
Places(such a funny movie!) The leafs beat the Bruins on Friday night 2-1(Thank God we didn't get swept cause they beat us
4-1 on Thursday night!) Well once again Merry Christmas Everyone, and GO LEAFS AND ATTACK GOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Later and Peace
UPDATE: This journal will no longer be updated anymore. Since I now have a myspace account
and an msn space, it would be too much for me to keep up with. To see journal entries from me, go to those two spaces(links
are on the front page).