This is the page where I will be adding pictures of my pets: past and present

My first pet. I knew him since I was a baby. I had many good years with him but he got cancer when
I was about 8 years old and had to be put to sleep. It broke my heart and I was upset for about 2 weeks but I know he's in
heaven because he was a good little guy. Very good natured dog. Love you Sandy!

She was my first and only cat. We got her in 1992 about a year or more after Sandy died. She was
such a sweetheart. For the most part very good natured. She was with us in our old house and moved up to Owen Sound with us.
For years she was a good girl and she was with us a long time(about 9 years). Then in 2001 she had to be put to sleep because
she wouldn't stop urinating on our rugs. It broke my heart. I loved her sooo much and I was upset for about 2 weeks but I
know she's up in heaven playing with Sandy and Ricky(who I will describe below-my first hamster). Love you Cassie!

Ricky was my first hamster. I didn't know if I could love another animal after Cassie died but Ricky
was sooo cute you couldn't help but love him. He was such a good natured little sweetie pie. He was a teddy bear hamster.
A good little guy. I had him for about a year and a half. A couple of years ago, we came back home from visiting
my sister and her hubby and baby in Oakville and found him dead in his cage. It was a shock and I was really upset but I know
that he's in heaven with Cassie,Sandy and Fred! He will always hold a special place in my heart because he was my first
hamster. Love you Rick!

December 2002-January 31st,2004
Freddie came into my life at a time when I was still really upset about losing Ricky. I wanted another
hamster that looked exactly like Ricky and I know it's not fair to expect this but I wanted one that acted exactly like him
too because I figured it would take away the pain of losing him. Well my parents and I went into the pet store and looked
around. I wanted a hamster that was male and a teddy bear one because they are sooo soft to pet and really cute. Well we looked
at the hamsters and I thought:"they are all sooo cute but where's a teddy bear one"? We asked the sales girl and she said they
got a bunch in this morning. She looked and there was none there-or so she thought! Suddenly she said "oh here's one!" I thought
"he is sooo cute looking!" He looked quite a bit like Ricky but he didn't have white on him. Also he was quite a
bit different from him in his ways. He squeaked a lot-especially at night-very noisy hamster and he slept a different way.
However I was, glad that he was his own little hamster. I really got to love the little guy. He was
really good natured and sweet. If you've lost your first hamster don't hesitate to open your heart to a new little one.
Unfortunately I lost Fred yesterday(January 31st). I woke up on Saturday morning and found him dead in a corner of his
cage. I burst into tears. I just can't believe it because he seemed so healthy and everything. However in the last
little while, I noticed that he wasn't eating as much, and storing the food more. My mom and I at first thought that he might
have choked on a piece of food because she thought she saw something in his mouth, which made me feel really awful, because
I would've hated for that to happen. That's worse than dying of old age. Afterward we realized that there was no food in his
teeth, they were yellow with age. Poor little guy. I miss him a lot, especially at night. It seems so weird that I won't be
hearing his wheel anymore, feeding him after dinner, or cleaning his cage once a week. I guess I'll just have to get used
to it. I'm trying not to let it get to me. He's up in heaven playing with my first hamster Ricky. Their probably riding lots
of wheels together and running around with each other. Some people might not consider a hamster a big deal, but believe me
if you own one for a long time, you get attached to it, and get to love it too, just like any other pet. I've loved both of
the hamsters I've owned very much, but I don't think I'll ever get another one. It's just too hard when they pass away. You
get fond of it, and then it leaves you in about a year. Don't get me wrong here. I'm not trying to tell people,
not to buy one. Their really good pets for children,(and teens and adults too!)because their so gentle. I'm just trying to
tell you to be prepared for their death, because they only have a short life span. Enjoy your little hamster while you can.
Don't ignore it. Give it a good life. Pay attention to it, pet it,etc. When it leaves you, you can remember
all the good times you had with it, and know that you gave it a good life. You can choose to get another one, but just
remember that it'll only have a short life span too, so give it a good life as well. Sorry if I sound like I'm repeating myself.
Bye for now Freddie, but not forever. I'll see you,Ricky,Sandy and Cassie when it's my time to go, in the very far future.
You're not here in body, but you'll always be in my heart. Bye honey. I love you, and I'll miss you lots! Have fun with Ricky.

My grandmother won Petey from a bird show. We've had him for 2 years now. He is a very smart budgie
bird. He says things like:go leafs go,pretty petey,my bird,hey baby what's up?,gimme a kiss-a kissing sound after and then
I love you,you're cute,good morning how are you?, etc. He talks a lot! He is a little chatterbox! Such a cutie! We really
love him! He was the best Christmas gift that my grandmother gave us! :-)