This is where I will be putting info about my favorite sports teams. I will also be putting pics of them on here.

Photo From Toronto Maple Leafs Official Yearbook 2003-04
Well first I must start out with my favorite nhl hockey team of all time. Drum roll please......
The Toronto Maple Leafs! I have been a fan of this team since I was a little kid and I became a fanatic during the leafs/sens
playoffs in 2002. My favorite player is Eddie Belfour. I was upset at first when Curtis Joseph decided to go to
Detroit and I was really worried about Belfour being the leafs goalie because I'd heard stuff about him. I had some concerns
since he was a new goalie and everything and I didn't think he could live up to Joseph. Now it's like JOSEPH WHO? The
Wings can HAVE HIM! Eddie has truly proven me wrong. Since coming to the leafs he has played excellent! Couldn't get
a better goalie! He is truly amazing! Other players that I like are:Mats Sundin,Alexander Mogilny,Tie Domi,Owen Nolan,Bryan
McCabe,Darcy Tucker,Gary Roberts,Matt Stajan,Brian Leetch, Ron Francis, Chad Kilger, etc. Playoff News 2004: In
the first round the leafs beat out the Ottawa Senatards(oops I mean senators) for the fourth time in five years(7 games) but
then in the second round lost to the Philadelphia Flyers in Overtime(6 Games). I'm disappointed about it :-( But thanks
for a great season leafs, and good luck next time! I have been to two leafs games in my life:when I was a little
kid and they played the Quebec Nordiques at Maple Leaf Gardens AND on Monday March 29th I finally got to another leafs
game-this time at the ACC! It was incredible, the leafs won 4-2! WOO-HOO!!!!!! There is more about the game on my thrashers
at leafs page. Check it out! Currently the 2005-2006 NHL Season is underway! No matter what I will always support
the leafs through thick and thin! I'm a diehard fan forever! GO LEAFS GO!!!!!!!!

The One and Only Ed Belfour stopping yet another shot that comes his way!
Toronto Maple Leafs-The Official Site
HF Boards-Hockey's Future:These boards are great! There is a board for each nhl hockey team. My username in there is Leafer4Life.
There is also an ohl board,game night and nhl talk,international tournaments,the lounge,HFNHLTalk-fantasy hockey,and lots
more! If you love hockey these are the boards for you!
Maple Leafs Forever:Great messageboards! One is called maple leafs hockey talk, but there's also a board for General Chatter,Entertainment,Other
Sports,and so much more! My username there, is Leafer4Life.
The Mats Sundin Worship Page
Metro's Hockey Boards-There is a messageboard for each hockey team plus there are boards to talk about anything but hockey
and there is also a board to talk about other sports! Plus a board to talk about other hockey leagues. All this and lots more!
My username is Leafer4Life.
TML Forum Discussion Boards-Really Cool Boards, there is a board for the leafs of course, plus all the other teams as well!
However, generally most of the members are leafs fans. My username is Leafer4Life.
TMLfans.ca-Lots of leafs info on here, and great messageboards! There's a breaking news board, leafs talk(of course),a poll
board, and lots more! My username is LeafsandJays4Life.
NHL.com-The National Hockey League Website
NHLPA.com-The National Hockey League Players' Association Website
HockeyNations-Hockey boards for all the NHL teams. I post there as Leafer4Life. Please join these boards! Their looking for
new members, and especially need more leafs fans! C'mon, my fellow leafers, join please!
CHAT.MAPLELEAFS.COM-Official Messageboard of The Toronto Maple Leafs. I post there as Leafer4Life.
Hockey Forums-My username there is Leafer4Life~
98 Designs-free nhl, chl,ahl wallpapers and other quality hockey graphics. Check this site out! It's really cool!
Eklund's Hockey Rumors-An Online Blog With Hockey Rumors from an Insider.
Eklund's Hockey Talk-Messageboard Made by a Hockey Insider, for NHL Fans. My username is Leafer4Life.
The Finances of NHL-A Blog Made By A Hockey Insider.
Toronto Maple Leafs Messageboard-My username there is Leafer4Life.
Behind The Net-Hockey Forum. I'm Leafer4Life, there.
Holy Puck-Where Hockey Lives
Hockey Leaks-A Blog And Also a Message Board there, where I go by the username of, you guessed it, Leafer4Life.
The NHL Forum-I'm Leafer4Life On there.
Hockey Talk Messageboard-JOIN UP if you're a big hockey fan. More members are needed! I'm Leafer4Life over there.
NHL Hot Topics-Join this great nhl messageboard! My username there is Leafer4Life.
Center Ice Forums-I'm Leafer4Life there.
NHL Central-I'm LeafGal4Life there.
NHLForums.com-I'm Leafer4Life there.

Next I must talk about my favorite baseball team of all time.....1.....2.....3......The Toronto Blue
Jays!!!!!! I have been a fan of them since I was a little kid. I used to go to a lot of their games when I lived in Toronto.
Now that I live in Owen Sound though I'm lucky if I get to about one a year. I have supported them through everything including
the baseball strike when a lot of their fans stopped going to the games,when they weren't playing as well as they should've
been-still I cheered them on. The 2005 MLB Season is over. My favorite player is Eric Hinske-a total hottie(what woman
couldn't see that!?) but that's not only why I like him. I think he's a great player as well. He has gotten a lot of
hits and homeruns with the Jays. He's a fantastic hitter! Other favorites of mine include: Roy Halladay,Josh Phelps,Vernon
Wells,Frank Catalanotto,Carlos Delgado, Orlando Hudson,Reed Johnson,Greg Myers,etc. I am a diehard fan for life! Okay,Okay,Blue
Jays,Blue Jays,Let's,Let's,Play,Play,Ball! GO JAYS GO!!!!!!

Eric Hinske breaking his bat as he hits yet another of his famous homeruns!
Major League Baseball-The Official Site
Toronto Blue Jays-The Official Site
Blue Jay Way-You'll love this website if you're a blue jays fan and even if you're not! There are messageboards for:In the
Clubhouse(the jays board),Beyond the dome,mlb talk,all other sports and lots more! My username there is JaysGurl20. Definetly
visit this website and get yourself a username!
Metro's Baseball Forums-Sign up if you're an mlb fan! My username there is JaysGurl4Ever.
Baseball Central-Has a messageboard with it. My username is JaysGurl4Ever.
MLB Center Baseball Forums-My username is JaysGurl4Ever.
Strike 3 Forums-My username is JaysGurl4Ever.
The Baseball Zone-My username Is JaysGurl4Ever.
Baseball Junkies-I'm JaysGurl4Ever there.
Baseball-Central-My username is JaysGurl4Ever.
Die Hard Baseball Forum-I'm JaysGurl4Ever there.

The ever so cute and adorable Attack Mascot Cubby
Now I'm going to write about my favorite OHL team......The Owen Sound Attack! I have been a fan of
this team since I moved to Owen Sound in 1993, back when they were called The Owen Sound Platers. I didn't really follow OHL
til I started liking them. I think it's great that my small town has its very own Junior League hockey team! I've been
to a few games and I must say I have enjoyed them all(well except the ones they lost, of course, lol). The 2005-2006
OHL Season is underway! My current favorite player is Bobby Ryan-2nd round draft pick baby! R.I.P. Dan Snyder. We'll
never forget you. You'll always be an Owen Sound Plater in our hearts........ My condolences go out to the Snyder family and
the Atlanta Thrashers organization. God Bless! GO ATTACK GO!!!!!

Brad Richardson
Owen Sound Attack-The Official Website
Electric Ice Forum-Owen Sound Attack Messageboard. My username is AttackGurl.
Ontario Hockey League:Official Website
New OHL Open Forum:Rink Rat-Ontario Hockey League(OHL)Messageboard. I post there as AttackGurl.
OHLgraphix.com-For the fans by the fans....this site is packed with OHL avatars and signatures. Definitely go there and check
it out!
Hockey's Future:The Hockey Prospects Resource

Last but certainly not least I'm going to talk about a hockey player I've always admired since I
was a little kid......Wayne Gretzky! I always liked him because he was a great hockey player-that's why he was called the
great one of course but also because he had this unique way of playing the game. He has retired now but I still admire him
for how he played hockey and everything. Also I think it's great how he's doing a lot for Canada. He does great commercials!
Plus he's a great role model. He's a really nice Canadian guy and that's one reason why I like him so much. GO WAYNE!

Congratulations To Team Canada!!!!!!!!!!! Now they've won: 2002 Salt Lake City Double Gold, 2003
World Championship Gold, 2004 World Championship Gold, 2004 World Cup, and the 2004 World Junior Gold. That's 6 in a row now!
OH CANADA!!!!!!!!!!
The Sportnut-A Messageboard for different sports fans. My username is leafsjaysgurl.
Sports Center Homepage-Also has a messageboard. My username is LeafsJaysGurl.
Toronto Sports-Join this messageboard if you're a fan of Toronto Sports teams! I'm LeafsJaysGurl there!
All Sports All The Time-Join this messageboard, they need more members. My username is leafsjaysgurl.
989 Sports-I'm LeafsJaysGurl.
Frontier Sports-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
Ultimate Sports-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
The Sports Section Messageboard-I'm LeafsJaysGurl.
Sports Forum Talk-I'm LeafsJaysGurl.
The Sports Arena-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
Sports Forum(CatGames)-I'm LeafsJaysGurl.
All Sport-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
World Sports Talk-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
The Sport Desk-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
Sports Nation-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
Sports Domain-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
Locker Room Sports-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
Sports City-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.
Sports Line Messageboard-My username is LeafsJaysGurl.
Sports 101 Messageboard-I'm LeafsJaysGurl there.